Hello, it’s Ivet. 

I always say that I am a girl for everything. Professionally, I am a stage designer but I’ve also studied exhibition design and I have the change to initiate myself in the world of art curating.

I love painting, sewing, writing, layout and contemporary dance so I don’t categorize myself and I like to explore different creative languages in my professional activity.

Currently working on several projects related to these two fields and empowering myself through the pursuit of my own style and art.



2022_ Design for exhibitions and Curator Studies Post-grade EINA

2016/2021_ Stage Design Bachelor INSTITUT DEL TEATRE (Barcelona)

2018/2019_ Erasmus+ in Stage Design DAMU (Prague)

2014/2016_ LA MASSANA ESCOLA D’ART (Barcelona)


2021_ Adobe InDesign Course

2020_ Introduction to Art History with Gender Perspective


Spanish_ Native

Catalan_ Native

Inglés_ High (C1)

German_ A1



«La gran marxa» (Der große Marsch) – Directed by Victoria Szpunberg. Institut del Teatre.


«La col·lecció viscuda, la vida pintada»  – Exhibition Design. Museu Abelló. 

«Jo, Judit, Juditha» – Dir. Alba Collado. Institut del Teatre.

«Perfectia» – CIA La Beatriz. Directed by Bruna Artigal & Adrià Andreu & Èric Pons. Teatre La Gleva. 

«Todo bien» – CIA La Beatriz. Directed by Aina Lluch  & David Garcia Llop. Sala Barts Club.


«My body is a cage» – Ivet Duran 

«Disset anys» – CIA La Beatriz / Dir. Bruna Artigal & Èric Pons. Sala Barts Club, El Maldà Teatre.


«Cara B» –  with Míriam Alemany, Quim Algora, Llorenç Corbella, Xevi Oró, Josep Pijuan & Mariona Ubia. Llum Barcelona Festival. 1st PLACE  IN THE CONTEST in the school category.

«Let Me Down Slowly» – CIA Afflictus. Directed by Bruna Artigal & Adrià Andreu. Sala Barts Club & Teatre del Raval. 2020/21


«Les dames del Perpetu Socors» – Directed by Roger Julià. Institut del Teatre.

«El drac d’or» – Directed by Israel Solà. Institut del Teatre. 


Diseño: Artfy®